Top 10 Deadliest and Venomous Snakes in the world

Top 10 Deadliest and Venomous Snakes in the world

In the series of Top 10, today we have another stunning post for our fans. We are going to list top 10 most venomous and the deadliest snakes in the world.

10: Rattle Snake

Rattle SnakeNative to America

After effects of snake-byte: Destruction of tissues and degeneration of organs.

9: Death Adder or Acanthopis

Death AdderNative to Australia

After-effects of byte: Paralysis and respiratory failure. The victim could die within 6 hours if untreated.

8: Vipers or Viperidae

viper snakeNative to the whole world except Australia, Antarctica, Ireland, Hawaii and Madagascar.

After-effects of byte: Bleeding from the gums, Low blood pressure and fallen heart beat.

7: Philippine Cobra or Northern Philippine Cobra

Philippine cobra

Native to Philippines

After-effects of byte: Respiratory Paralysis and Neuro toxicity. The victim could die within 30 minutes.

6: Tiger Snake

Tiger Snake

Native to Australia

After-effects of bytes: The victim may face difficulty in breathing and  paralysis. The minimum duration of the victim’s death after its byte is 30 minutes.

5: Black Mamba

Black MambaNative to Africa

After-effects of byte: Double vision, lake of muscle control, Cardio Toxicity and Paralysis. Just one byte of Black Mamba’s venom has the power to kill about 25 adults.

4: Taipan

TaipanNative to Australia

After-effects of byte: It blocks arteries and veins of the victims because of the blood clot. Its highly neuro toxic and can kill the victim within an hour.

3: Blue Krait or Malaya Krait

blue krait

Native to Indonesia

After-effects of byte: A Quick Muscle Paralysis. Its venom is 16 times stronger than a common cobra.

2: Eastern Brown Snake

Eastern Brown Snake

Native to Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

After-effects of byte: Paralysis, Renal Failure and Cardiac Arrest. Just 1/14,000 of an ounce can kill an adult human.

1: Inland Taipan

Inland TaipanNative to Australia

After-effects of byte: With first number on the list, it is world’s most venomous snake. It’s only one byte can kill about 100 humans.


Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, the great inventor of all times

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the great inventors of all times. Many people remember him for the invention of light bulb but he holds the credit to register 2,332Patents worldwide. 1,093 of them were approved in USA and many of his patents were an improved version of some old inventions.

We can find his inventions in many places and there are many advanced inventions that are based on his ideas. He invented not only the light bulb but also a Phonograph, Motion Picture camera, a mechanical vote recorder and much much more.

Edison was not a good student but he loved to do new experiments. At the age of 10, he built his first
lab to perform his experiments.

An amazing incident of Edison’s childhood when he let his home maid about to die but she luckily saved. He used to think that birds eat the insects so the power of these insects make them fly. So, once he gathered these insects and blended them to make their juice, he then let his maid to drink this juice. After drinking this mixture of insects the maid became unconscious but luckily saved.

His another achievement is the light bulb, he made approximately 3,000 attempts to make a long lasting light bulb. Although light bulb was not his invention but he was the one and only to make such a successful light bulb.

Although he has registered 2,332 patents, but let us tell you about some of his top inventions.

Image credit: Flickr

  • Electric Telegraphs
  • Telegraph-Signal Boxes
  • Stencil Pens (Old shape of a Tattoo Machine)
  • Electric Lamp
  • Webermeter
  • Dynamo-Electric Machine
  • Phonograph
  • Alkaline Battery

 This list will end after 2,332 registered patents of Thomas Edison but the advantages we are taking from his patents shall never end.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein – some amazing facts and cool quotes

albert einstein facts and quotesAlbert Einstein, a child who was born with an abnormal big head and was unable to talk with confident later became a great physicist of all times.

In this post we are going to tell you some amazing and interesting facts about Albert Einstein but first of all a small introduction.


Name: Albert Einstein

Born: 14th March 1879 in Germany

Died: 18th April 1955 in United States

Major field: Physics

Major achievements:

  • Theory of Brownian Motion
  • Mass-energy Equivalence (e=mc2)
  • Unified Field Theory

Major awards:

  • Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Copley Medal
  • Time Person of the Century

Some amazing facts about Einstein’s Life:

  1. Einstein started talking in the age of four but still he wasn’t fluent till the age of 9. His parents were very much worried of this but he wondered them a night while taking dinner he said “The Soup is too hot”. When his parents asked why he didn’t talk before, he replied “Because up to now everything was in order.
  2. At the age of 5, his father gifted him with a compass and this was the starting of a revolution in his brain because he got much curious to know about the force due to which the compass pointed in the same direction.
  3. He once dropped out from his school for his non-serious behavior towards his studies, also he failed the college entrance exam at the age of 17, he failed all the subjects except science and maths.
  4. According to his Maths professor Hermann Minkowski, he didn’t see any enthusiasm in his
    e=mc2 Mass–energy equivalenceImage credit: photobucket rococopayclasses, and he once called Einstein a Lazy Dog.
  5. After Einstein’s death, his brain was  removed from his head by Dr. Thomas Stoltz Harvey without the permission of his family. After many years, by taking  permission from Hans Albert(Einstein’s son), he started to study his brain and sent the slices of his brain to many other scientists where they found that his brain has extra-ordinary cell formations as compared to a normal person.
  6. In 1905, he published a paper on mass-energy equivalence where he explained one of the most famous equations  of all times i-ee=mc2. This equation said that small masses could be converted into huge amount of energy, and this was the start of nuclear power development.
  7. He used to hate haircuts (which can be seen in his photographs) and socks while violin and sailing were two of  his most favorite things.

Some of the coolest sayings and quotes of Albert Einstein:

  1. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.
  2. A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
  3. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.
  4. A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?
  5. The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
  6. If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
  7. An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton – One of the greatest scient

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists of all times. One of his major achievements was the law of gravity. Today’s post is dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton and his achievements.


Sir Isaac NewtonName: Sir Isaac Newton

Born: 25th December 1642 in Lincolnshire, England

Died: 20th March 1727 in Middlesex, England

Major Fields:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Astronomy

Major Achievements:

  • Universal gravitation
  • Newton’s method

Isaac Newton was born on 25th December, 1642 and by then his father had already died a few months earlier. Thus he was raised by his mother and his step father. But his later life has been known for many scientific discoveries that have been used in modern day designs, discoveries, scientific researches and developments. In school he had been noted for his despising the curriculum in use because, to him, it lacked the real substance scientific analysis requires. Interestingly, when he later got his masters degree and was able to offer lectures at the university, his lectures have been described as having been too difficult for his students.

The works of Isaac Newton have mainly been well pronounced in physics where he made a number of discoveries. Firstly, he managed to discover that light can be split in many colors – not just one. In all the discoveries and researches he came up with, the universal law of gravitation is one of the most famous as it even came from his observing the falling of objects to the ground instead of the other way round. Giving tribute to his discovery of the force of gravity, and its universal law even led to the naming of the SI unit for force as the Newton. In addition, through his consistent experiments, Isaac Newton discovered the three laws of motion which have been named as Newton’s Laws of Motion.

His works also extended to some discoveries he made in optics which later made it easy for others to develop the other technological inventions that followed later. But, even in mathematics, Isaac made great contributions in various areas. Firstly, he discovered the calculus method of dealing with mathematical problems. But his reluctance to have his works published led to some rival scientists and mathematicians attempting to take credit when they made earlier publications of his works. In the same field of mathematics Newton also made a discovery of the binomial theorem concept.

Some nice quotes by Sir Isaac Newton:

  • To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.
  • Plato is my friend — Aristotle is my friend — but my greatest friend is truth.
  • Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
  • If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought.
  • God created everything by number, weight and measure.
  • I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.
  • Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.